Media Release

With unprecedented change happening all around us each day, failures occur and sometimes in catastrophic circumstances.

Overcoming failures and finding opportunities within is the key ingredient of success in tomorrow’s world.

Michael Myers has the ingredients to do this and do it well.

international public speakerMichael has experienced life’s ups and downs, but he wasn’t quite ready for one major life changing failure that could have ended in tragedy. He made a judgement error and overnight had accumulated debt in excess of $800,000. It was a stressful time for both him and his family. He found a resolution to the situation by using his power from within. He found that “Failure is Opportunity”.

We all experience failure in relationships, careers or finances. Failure can be a roadblock in life and to life. Michael has failed both financially and emotionally but most importantly he has recovered.

Recovering from failure can be done and there’s no better time to learn than now.

Michael developed his Power Process which helped him gain clarity, focus and direction to turn his life around.

In Michael’s presentation he will share some of his own painful and very personal life lessons.

His priority was for the wellbeing and financial security of his family.

“Failure is inevitable, finding opportunity is optional“

Michael’s sessions include powerful stories and insightful key takeaways. In his message you will learn:

  • his 5 key steps that kept him moving forward and how he created opportunity;
  • how he lived with failure and survived and that with a clear direction, you can succeed; and
  • the blue print to not be afraid to take risks, fall and then get up again.

Michael Myers no longer accepts that something can’t be done to move forward. The mantra that Michael lives by everyday particularly when faced with adversity is:

“It’s not that I can’t do it, but how can I do it?”

Failure is Opportunity.